
Look who's talking about me!!

When you choose to buy a component or bead from some talented artist you might stumble across you never know how that might affect your life. Well Janice from http://jlynnjewels.blogspot.com/2012/04/jewel-highlightcherrie-fick-of.html

just wrote this blog post about me. If you were wondering more about the person behind En La Lumie' re or Designs in the Light, that's me!  Please take a minute to read this. I am so flattered and blushing a bit at the things Janice said about me. She is correct helping other artists by including them in my work and talking about them and spreading the word is one of my favorite parts of this business. I love to submit designs for publishing and then sending a message to the artist to say "we got accepted to ..... magazine. It is never just me. Without the beads and components I would not get the inspiration and the designs would not come. Thanks for your interest in my life and business. I look forward to continuing the relationships with all of you.